Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Today’s museum Jamuseum is unique to Los Angeles, there is nothing quite like it...

Today’s #museum @jamuseum is unique to #LosAngeles, there is nothing quite like it and they have a truly impressive #collection! πŸ˜„
“The #Japanese #American #National Museum is the first museum in the U.S. dedicated to sharing the experience of Americans of Japanese ancestry as an integral part of U.S. #history. Through its #comprehensive collection of Japanese American objects, images and documents, as well as multi-faceted #exhibitions, #educational programs, #documentaries and #publications, the National Museum shares the Japanese American story.” 😊☺️
Unique exhibits inspire unique #attire! One of our #breathtaking #prints, perhaps Savannah in black with white all over embroidery and black #sequin detailing would suit your mood appropriately while taking in the sights and history at JANM πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
What’s your favorite subtle, or hidden artistic detail on a piece of #clothing that you own? πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ
(at Japanese American National Museum)

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