Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today I’m sharing another of my favorite Chocolatiers...

Today I’m #sharing another of my #favorite #Chocolatiers, @TeuscherBH and their #worldfamous #Champagne #Truffles! 😋👌
Their #top secret #family #recipe for #Champagne #Truffles was created 50 years ago, and is #hand-crafted in small batches! Each #truffle contains an #exquisite #whipped cream center made with Dom Perignon! 😍😋❤️ And with Fall just around the corner you’ll be #happy to know that their #café serves hot #chocolate and #Mochas made with Teuscher chocolate! 😄😃👌
When enjoying Champagne truffles you’ll want to be dressed in a true #masterpiece as well! Our #floral tunic was described by one of our #clients as #wearing a “magical light cloud” that gets her compliments everywhere she goes!
When did you last enjoy some Dom Perignon? 😉😃
(at Teuscher Confiserie)

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