Saturday, August 15, 2015

Have plans #tonight? 😄 There is a #public #observing night at the @MtWilsonObservatory this #evening!

Have plans #tonight? 😄 There is a #public #observing night at the @MtWilsonObservatory this #evening!
They occasionally offer individual stargazing #tickets for a chance to look through its 60-inch #telescope as well as the 100-inch, which was the largest in the world from 1917 to 1949. Events are seasonal—it’s on a #mountaintop, after all—and often sell out quickly. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to drive up along narrow, windy mountain roads with a 5,700-foot #elevation change—and all in the dark on the way home!
Even if you’re not able to go #tonight, it’s something worth #booking for a future date 😉👍
Of course what night of #stargazing would be complete without one of our #beautiful 100% #cotton button ups that easily takes you day to night in #style for any #casual #weekend 😉😎👍
Have you ever been to the #observatory? 😃

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