Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bel-Air T-Shirts Available SOON!

The Bel-Air Association has partnered with premier shirt-maker Georg Roth Los Angeles to market a fabulous line of t-shirts that will be sold to benefit the BAA. The new “Bel-Air Association” t-shirts represent a unique effort to lend the neighbor-hood’s cache to trendy high-end clothing aimed at fashion-conscious youth. The Association hopes the shirts will catch-on, providing much needed financial support for its work on behalf of the neighborhood.

The high-quality, fashion-forward shirts were designed and are being manufactured and distributed by Georg Roth Los Angeles, well-known for its sophisticated men’s and women’s shirt lines created from European fabrics and sold throughout the world. For the Bel-Air Association t-shirts, Georg chose distressed or burn-out fabric in an array of the hottest colors and added a tattoo image inspired by one of the Bel-Air gates. Georg, and his partner in life and business, Ms. Audrie Benjamin, say orders for the shirts at trade shows have been great so far.

A few days before it closed for renovations, Association member Hotel Bel-Air generously allowed the use of its sumptuous grounds for a photo shoot featuring the shirts. The resulting photos will appear in Georg Roth’s merchandising materials. In LA, Georg Roth Los Angeles distributes its merchandise through high-end shops such as Mel Fox, Lisa Kline, Avedon, and Premier Men. The “Bel-Air Association” t-shirts should be available for purchase locally soon - keep your eye on the Association blog at http://belaironline.blogspot.com and the Georg Roth website at www.georgrothlosangeles.com for more developments!

See the full Bel-Air Association Newsletter

Click here to see the new line of Bel-Air Shirts by Georg Roth LA


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